Cow manure is an all-purpose organic fertiliser suitable for fertilising trees, shrubs, lawns, vegetables and flower gardens. Cow manure promotes vigorous and healthy plant growth. Composting cow manure has several benefits. In addition to eliminating harmful ammonia gas and pathogens (like E. coli), as well as weed seeds, composted cow manure will add generous amounts of organic matter to your soil. By mixing this compost into the soil, you can improve its moisture-holding capacity. This allows you to water less frequently, as the roots of plants can use the additional water and nutrients whenever needed. Additionally, it will improve aeration, helping to break up compacted soils. Composted cow manure also contains beneficial bacteria, which convert nutrients into easily accessible forms so they can be slowly released without burning tender plant roots. Composting cow manure also produces about a third less greenhouse gases, making it environmentally friendly. HEALTH WARNING: THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS MICRO-ORGANISMS. AVOID BREATHING DUST OR MISTS - WEAR PARTICULATE MASK IF DUSTY. WEAR GLOVES AND KEEP PRODUCT MOIST WHEN HANDLING. WASH HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE.
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